The Week Ahead in Holyrood – 22/05/2017

Emma Divers

Associate Director - Head of Scotland

The Week Ahead in Holyrood - 22/05/2017

On Tuesday there will be a Members’ Oath or Affirmation for new Conservative MSP Michelle Ballantyne. Michelle replaces regional list MSP Rachael Hamilton, who stepped down to contest the by-election triggered by John Lamont’s resignation. John will be standing for election as MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk in the upcoming General Election.

This will be followed by a Stage One debate on the Seat Belts on School Transport (Scotland) Bill. Tuesday’s Members’ Business is sponsored by SNP MSP Maree Todd who will discuss World Hypertension Month which spans the month of May.

On Wednesday Portfolio Questions focus on the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work and Finance and the Constitution. This will be followed by a Scottish Government debate on Safe, Secure and Prosperous: Achieving a Cyber-resilient Scotland. Members’ Business will be sponsored by Conservative MSP Finlay Carson who will call on the Scottish Government to conduct The Establishment of New National Parks.

Thursday’s General Questions will be followed by First Minister’s Questions. SNP MSP James Dornan will then lead Members’ Business by marking the 50th Anniversary of Celtic’s European Cup Win. Finally, at 2.30pm there will be a Stage One debate on Contract (Third Party Rights) (Scotland) Bill. This bill will introduce provisions about the enforcement of contractual terms by third parties.

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